Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sarah, this is for you!

This picture is of a notebook that I got from Sarah for my birthday. I've always wanted a nice notebook that I can jot notes, book ideas, book thoughts, recipes, etc. in. The only problem is that whenever I do get a nice book I feel like it's too nice to write just "simple" things in. When I got this leather covered very nice notebook I wrote this on the front page: "This is a notebook that Sarah got for me on my birthday 2008. I keep it on me at all times so that I can write anything in it whenever I want. It can be mental notes, lists, recipes or blog ideas... It doesn't matter because it's my notebook. Knowing me... It'll probably be all practical lists." I wrote this to remind myself to really use it for whatever I want. I took this pic, because I'm here at hilo, and there are herbs just thrown down beside it (Dad was boasting about his herbs and making us smell them) and there's a fresh wine spot on a new page (a list is on it). There's a few cards sent by Sarah pasted in them, lots of lists, and some other notes for myself in it. ... Nothing really important but I want to use it in everyday life because that's what it was given for. Tomorrow Amy and I are going to spend the day canning. I want to make tomato sauce, salsa, oma's pears and roasted red peppers. There's a list tucked in there for how to take care of baby Grace tomorrow morning since I'm babysitting her (she's staying over night!!) while her mom power washes the barn (???).

I just thought that I'd like to share this picture/thought.

By the way, the notebook comes with a gift from Aunt Yvonne: a quilted bag/purse big enough to fit my purse, wallet and new important notebook.


Blogger Linda said...

Can I have your salsa recipe?

I have that VERY SAME garlic chopper thingy!

5:01 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful Nicole! Looking forward to hearing how your canning day went!

8:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that idea nicole! i've always wanted to do that...but never actually did. good on ya ;) ~ Coryn

5:02 p.m.  

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