Saturday, December 10, 2005

AAAhhhh, papers!!

So most of my papers are finished but the two biggest ones still have to be done and they were both due on Thursday. Why o why do i do this?? and yet i still have time to go to my aunts and make christmas cookies. sigh.... in a week and two days it will allll be over.
I'm listening to Christmas music, drinking eggnog and trying to stay festive through all this.
The paper that I am working on right now is for a class called Papal Encyclicals. Since my major is psychology I decided that I would trace out the history of the relationship between psychology and the Catholic church. I figure this is a really appropriate topic since my other major is religions. I believe that they are inimately connected but I get a lot of people thinking that they are a bizarre combination. The research is interesting but, like every other time, I wish that I a gave myself time to really enjoy learning about this stuff. The thing is, if there is time to do the papers, I don't feel motivated to do it.
Dan is coming home late from firearms training so I'm going to have to postpone cookie baking since I don't have a car to get there with. ggrrr. So that's it for today.
I hope you all have a merry advent weekend.


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