This morning I woke up with a free day ahead of me and no real plans of what I was going to do. What a change that is. I slept in a bit but obviously not enough because when I thought it was late enough I called Coryn. She was sleeping. That didn't stop me though. I went into full conversation talking my head off and asking question while she tried to keep up and get the sleep out of her head. I'm so mean. Next I called Hannelle. She was sleeping. oops. Both of them said it was okay because they had to get up soon so I just assume that means I can start talking. I must feel deprived of social activities in the mornings. I need to be in contact with people or I'll go insane.
After living in Hamilton for 41/2 years I finally decided that it is time to learn how to take a bus. I've taken buses in Honduras, Beijing and Mongolia no problem but Hamilton is just to scary for me. Besides, I have a car. Why do I need to take the bus? Well, Dan is working in Cambridge now instead of at Redeemer so I don't have free use of a car whenever I want. My health card has been expired for almost 2 years and I have a doctors appointment coming up so I decided it's time. After getting instructions from both Hannelle and Coryn, I put Chloe in her kennel, put on a bit of makeup (for the health card pic.) and headed out the door. I left at 11:30, had no problem transferring in Meadowlands and actually got off at the right stop downtown with the least amount of walking to do. While I was sitting in line to renew my health card I heard one lady reaming a guy out for letting his card be expired for 2 years and I started getting nervous but I had no problems. After that I walked over a block to Pam's Coffee in Jackson Square Mall and saw Coryn. Good thing she was there too because I didn't know how to get back up the mountain now. Turns out I was exactly at the right stop and I got a free Chai latte to boot!! Thanks Coryn. I ended up walking back to Redeemer from Meadowlands because the bus is too sparadic. That's okay though because I feel like I've gotten in some good exercise today. So it was a success!! I even made a resume, printed it off and faxed it away and then took Chloe out for half an hour. What a productive day. Now I feel like baking... or cooking something really healthy.
Next week there is a lecture series at Redeemer. I don't think I have attended any of them since first year. That's pretty pathetic. If I think I'm taking my education seriously and then don't attend these lectures that are set up with lots of work and great speakers, how serious am I? I think that usually after going to classes and doing all the work for them I don't feal like attending another lecture. Well, this semester I'm going to school part time so I think I'm going to check it out. What do you think? It's called "The World and Our Calling" and the speaker is a science prof from Calvin. I mean, I should go, especially since one of my classes is cancelled for it but it's a prof from Redeemer so is it going to feel just like every other lecture I go to? There's three of them. We'll see. It would be good for me. And maybe there's free refreshments. :)