Thursday, January 31, 2008

I wonder what everyone is doing this weekend? I'll have to call to find out though because I'm not going to be online for a week now. I work a short shift tomorrow and then have Sat. and Sun. off. I love having weekends. Next week is even better. I work mon-thurs. and have Fri-Sun. off. They are full days so I'm still getting okay hours too. I think Dan and I will be getting together with some friends on Fri. night and then I don't know what else we have planned. I feel like doing something productive but with the big storm that is supposedly coming I doubt we'll really get out much. Maybe we'll hide out in the basement and go through all our junk. I bought 2 big tupperware bins to start organizing anything that I want to keep and throw everything else out. Does anyone know what you're supposed to do with old computer monitors, cords and keyboards? What do you do with about 20 different switch and outlet covers? Or how about 5 years of university notes? Do you keep these things? Where would you put it all? It really isn't that much but the stuff down there is just all very random. A pencil holder here, a broken plane wing there... We need a dumpster.
Hopefully I can talk to you all soon.
ps. Read that book mom was talking about ... it'll catapult you into spring feaver if you've got the winter blues.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24 - Independence Day

January 24, 2000, I moved to Honduras for 7 months. Really, 7 months doesn't really sound that long from my perspective right now and going into it didn't sound very long either but by the end of the 7 months I felt like it was a long time. I came home in time to start the new year in September (grade 12 for me) and then when the year was over I went to university for the following September. Even though that means that I spent a whole year home after coming back from Honduras I still look back on that date and say that is the date that I stepped out of my parents home independent. At least a little bit more independent because I really don't think that I'll ever be independent from my family and friends. Spending the week here at Opa's I've really come to see how much I rely on my family. Opa laughs every time the phone rings because of how often I talk with my sisters. My mom and dad came over for supper last night and I had such a good evening of visiting with them that I realize how much I depend on my family as a social group. My family really is my favorite group of people to hang out with. And even though Dan doesn't really act like it, family and friends mean a lot to him too. In fact, he would have a hard time moving to a practical good location if it means moving away from family and friends. We'll see how much I can change that.
Back to Jan. 24, 2000. I moved away from my family for 7 months at the age of 16 and learned sooo much about myself and life and other people. It really was an eye opening experience and has shaped a lot in my life. I don't keep in contact with the family that I lived with anymore. It's really hard. They only speak Spanish and if they have the Internet it isn't very regular. I really love that family and think of them often. I still have the key to their house (oops). I hope that I can go back someday soon. Happy Independence day, Me!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I'm an aunt again!

Amy and Joel's first child, Grace Evelyn, was born last Tuesday afternoon after about 4 hours of labour. There are many more pictures on mom's flickr, so check her out. I went and saw her for a little bit on Wednesday (thanks to Larissa driving up with me and staying the night). Sunday afternoon Dan and I went up to Hilo to meet her again. Dan held her for a good long time and tugged at everyones heart strings. It always surprises me how much of a natural he is with kids. My dad says that he's a nuturer. I think he just picked up his mothers skill with children.

My Oma had to go to Holland for a week because of a death in the family and so I am staying with my Opa for the week. Dan dropped me off here on Sunday evening and I'll be here till Saturday. It's going to be a long relaxing week full of experiences and memories. Opa is really just fine on his own but Oma didn't want to leave him alone and I don't think she quite trusts his cooking skills. So, I've got the internet, a couple books, a journal and lots of time to fill. It's almost awkward though, not having a schedule. I don't really know what to do. I would love to do more with Opa so that I really do fill the week with memories but it's kind of hard to think of things. I don't think he likes cards. I already asked once and he didn't say anything. I'll go through Oma's games shelf tomorrow. I was thinking of reading to him but what if I hit a spot in my book that's too awkward to read to my Opa.... yikes. He might just sleep through it. I'm not really interested in the TV he is watching either so that makes for a lot of wandering around. The good thing is that we have lots of opportunity to go and visit Grace. I hope we get to go tomorrow because Opa hasn't seen her yet. I can't wait.

I'm sure with all this time I'll have lots more to post this week. Any suggestions for time, recipes or games would be much appreciated. Opa loooovvves sweet food.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm an AUNT!!

Finally! I've been talking and talking about this for months. Alisha and Frank had a baby boy, Gavin John (?). (oops, i already forget his 3rd middle name. I know it is Franks Dad's name). On Friday we were told that Alisha might be induced (or seduced, as some have said). I never actually found out if she was or not but I know that Saturday afternoon she went to the hospital after her water broke. We got quick short messages for the next 48 hours like, "really hard labour", "she's on her second epiderral", "she doing really well", and finally last night mom and dad got the call that Gavin was born. How exciting. He's 8lb. 7 oz. A really big boy (so I'm told) but smaller than the doctors expected. After all that hard labour, he was finally born by c-section. I've heard lots of people say that's too bad, etc. etc. but I'm just happy he's finally here. I can't wait to see the pictures.
Congratulations Alisha and Frank!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

A new year

Christmas is over and it's a new year. January usually starts slow and for the next couple of months I will probably be pining for spring but so far it has been a good year. I ended the year off with a bang. I had and excellent Christmas season celebrating Christmas with 6 different family parties and even some celebrating with friends. Even though we fit so much in Dan and I agree that it has been one of the better Christmas seasons for us. It was relaxed and there was no fighting (you know how holiday stress is). Dan doesn't like the running around and I thrive on it. We really hit a good balance this year. We had a nice little break after Christmas and then had a really good New Years celebration too. We had friends over for the Eve but the best part was that they all slept over and then spent most of the next day too. We socialized, played lots of games and ate good food. I love it. Work has slowed down for me now but hopefully that gives me more time for online work. I hope to start researching potential job fields this month and get my resume out there. Blogging is also something that I would love to spend more time doing. I'm expecting 2 nephews any day now (Actually, we don't know if Amy and Joel's baby will be a nephew but I'm guessing it will be) and absolutely can't wait.
I hope all of you are having a good month too. Love to All!!