Saturday, January 14, 2006

World Religions class

One of my two class that I have is a World Religions class. I'm really glad I'm taking it because I didn't take it in highschool and have really missed out because of that. When I go to the jail and work with the Chaplaincy I often see religios leaders there and talk with inmates of other religions and I feel so dumb because I really don't know anything about their religions let alone how to talk to them. The class has so far been really boring and really interesting. The first class or two was boring but now we are getting into discussions and it is getting more interesting. Last class we talked about how to approach other religions. How do we dialogue with them? What is dialogue? Here is a quote from my notes: "Dialogue is not debate, proselytism, persuasion, or negotiation but to secure understanding. To go away thinking "Now I begin to see a little better what it is like to hold those views, pray those prayers and to live those live". I really liked that. Maybe this class will be more interesting than i think.

Here is a link to a great little clip that the professor showed in this class. This is how we've been told, by the media, to think of Arabs. View the 10 min. "Planet of the Arabs" video.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


This morning I woke up with a free day ahead of me and no real plans of what I was going to do. What a change that is. I slept in a bit but obviously not enough because when I thought it was late enough I called Coryn. She was sleeping. That didn't stop me though. I went into full conversation talking my head off and asking question while she tried to keep up and get the sleep out of her head. I'm so mean. Next I called Hannelle. She was sleeping. oops. Both of them said it was okay because they had to get up soon so I just assume that means I can start talking. I must feel deprived of social activities in the mornings. I need to be in contact with people or I'll go insane.
After living in Hamilton for 41/2 years I finally decided that it is time to learn how to take a bus. I've taken buses in Honduras, Beijing and Mongolia no problem but Hamilton is just to scary for me. Besides, I have a car. Why do I need to take the bus? Well, Dan is working in Cambridge now instead of at Redeemer so I don't have free use of a car whenever I want. My health card has been expired for almost 2 years and I have a doctors appointment coming up so I decided it's time. After getting instructions from both Hannelle and Coryn, I put Chloe in her kennel, put on a bit of makeup (for the health card pic.) and headed out the door. I left at 11:30, had no problem transferring in Meadowlands and actually got off at the right stop downtown with the least amount of walking to do. While I was sitting in line to renew my health card I heard one lady reaming a guy out for letting his card be expired for 2 years and I started getting nervous but I had no problems. After that I walked over a block to Pam's Coffee in Jackson Square Mall and saw Coryn. Good thing she was there too because I didn't know how to get back up the mountain now. Turns out I was exactly at the right stop and I got a free Chai latte to boot!! Thanks Coryn. I ended up walking back to Redeemer from Meadowlands because the bus is too sparadic. That's okay though because I feel like I've gotten in some good exercise today. So it was a success!! I even made a resume, printed it off and faxed it away and then took Chloe out for half an hour. What a productive day. Now I feel like baking... or cooking something really healthy.
Next week there is a lecture series at Redeemer. I don't think I have attended any of them since first year. That's pretty pathetic. If I think I'm taking my education seriously and then don't attend these lectures that are set up with lots of work and great speakers, how serious am I? I think that usually after going to classes and doing all the work for them I don't feal like attending another lecture. Well, this semester I'm going to school part time so I think I'm going to check it out. What do you think? It's called "The World and Our Calling" and the speaker is a science prof from Calvin. I mean, I should go, especially since one of my classes is cancelled for it but it's a prof from Redeemer so is it going to feel just like every other lecture I go to? There's three of them. We'll see. It would be good for me. And maybe there's free refreshments. :)