Monday, December 24, 2007

Embarrassing stories

So I'm here at the in-laws for Christmas and, of course, our favourite topics of conversation are poopy talk and embarassing stories. Generally Mom has the best embarrassing stories but this year I topped it off. In fact, my story is so funny/embarrassing/totally innocent that I'm going to post the story here:
At work the other day, I had a customer who was carrying his empties into the store 6 at a time. It was a busy day and I was on a roll. I was working fast and hard so when I saw him taking soooo long at bringing in just a few empties I asked him "Want a hand?" Two seconds later, I realized that he actually only had one hand. Oops.. like I said, embarrassing.
The rest of my holidays are on flickr. Click on the badge to the right and little down. Make sure you view the pictures as a slideshow with the information showing (click on the "i") that way you can see the comments that I am writing with each picture. Sorry about all the old ones... you're gonna have to skip a lot of them.
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A few weeks later

A few things have changed since I last wrote but life feels like a ball at the top of a hill that is slowly about to roll off the edge. Not in a terrible destructive way. Life is just moving on. And I've been sitting comfortably without having to move for the last couple of years so this is a change.
Dan and I are going to have to move by May. That's right, good-bye to our country inn where goats and chickens ran wild, the grass grew long, the gardens bloomed and much fun was had. It will be a sad move but, like I said, life is changing and we're moving along with it. Dan and I want to buy a house so we have started the roller coaster that is looking for a new home. We have found a new home for Mozz (hopefully). I'm sure I'll miss her but I can't say that I'm sad to get rid of her right now. It'll be nice not to have to worry about the chicken feed being monopolized by the goat. Maybe they'll plump up and start laying some more. Besides the house, Christmas is coming. That is always a chaotic time of the year for us. It will be again this year. We are planning to attend 6 different Christmas parties! And those are just the family things. Dan has a work party and in the new year we're having a friend Christmas party. In the middle of all that Dan is going to be taking care of my sister and brother-in-laws farm for a few days while they go on vacation. Can you imagine Dan as a farmer. He would love it. And shortly after Christmas life in both my family and Dan's will change dramatically: we are going to be Uncle Dan and Aunt Nicole! Yeahh!! Alisha's baby is going to be born in the beginning of January and Amy's is due at the end. I really can't wait. I'll just get over the shock of those two babies and then Larissa's baby will be born. Wow! What excitement. So, 6 months from now, we'll be in a new year, Dan and I will be living.... somewhere else, we'll be an aunt and uncle and what else? I'm sure there's more to come. I know it. It just feels like lots is going to change. Maybe Dan will have a new job. Maybe we will be living in our own house. I might have a sister or two getting married, who knows, maybe we'll be having a baby. just kidding. With all that change that sure wouldn't be a good idea.
And that's it for now. With this ball rolling over a hill either I won't say much for the next couple of months while my life flies by or else I'll be writing something new every week until things slow down. We'll see. Pray for us. Thanks all!