Thursday, November 23, 2006

Weekly post

I started a "thankyou" note to you all in the last comment of the prev. post but I think that it should be repeated here. Thank you all for checking in on me through my blog and seeing what I'm up to even though my posts have been so sparatic. Thank you for the support.

You know what I hate? I hate it when all you hear from people are how busy they are and how confusing and tough their lives are. I hate it when it becomes a competition to see who's got it the worst. ... wait a sec. that's me! So... no complaining today. Life is what it is. If I'm busy, I'll embrace that (secretly I'll groan) and tell you all about the happy entertaining parts of my life.

Class was short today. We had group discussions, paper exchanges and a fire alarm test thingy. I got to school early for once and enjoyed it. The last 10 min. walk to the school was refreshing, tingly and bright. That always makes for a good start to the day. When I got to school I had a good chat with a class mate, Lori, who I've been having really good chats with. After class I ended up unloading a bit on another classmate who was soo understanding and, out of the blue said, "yeah, i can see how that would be hard. You know, I'm going to pray for you this week" I almost started crying all over him. What a nice guy. God sends angels everywhere, eh? Then, after that, I bumped into an old prof. from Redeemer. He only taught me one course but he remembered who I was and we had a great conversation. He was super helpful in giving me ideas for my latest meandering and was just good to talk with. So my day has been full of conversation too.

Dan is picking up up at the bus station today which I always love. Driving is always a good bonding time for us. Although this also means that he had to wake up at the same time as me which isn't too nice for him.
Larissa and James are coming over tonight and didn't last week because they were in the middle of something big. So they are coming over tonight and I think we'll have lasagna this time instead of pad thai (Dan and I ate it without them). Supper might be a bit late but it should be worth it since it's been a while since we've had lasagna.
So that's all for now. I hope you are all doing well. Maybe we'll get the net at home soon and I can check up on all your blogs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe, keep up the great work!!! Thinking about you lots!!!

12:57 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I think you're awesome - and btw, I like your attitude about bad attitudes and sad lives.

Pick me! Check my lj when you can. Haha, jk, no pressure.

8:27 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you getting tired of people standing you up? Should have invited know WE love lasagna.
Mom W.

2:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it should have said tired of being stood up. lol

8:24 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nicky i am glad everything is going good!! Really looking forward to christmas and spending some quality time together!! And hey no worrys on the complaining and downloading because if you can't do it to your friends and family who can you do it to? So unload all you want!!

1:57 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Nuckster, very exciting to read about the discusions you're having. The ideas coming from new quarters sounds very refreshing. All great stuff to build our world and life views with. I'm currently reading a copy of the CRC's report on 3rd wave Pentecostalism?? When reading stuff like that I sometimes get so jealous of you and all the schools of thought you are working yourself through. Enjoy it! Let grow you! Will be praying for you at this end. Love Dad

8:56 a.m.  

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