(I can't find my computer memory stick or else you would see a picture of my vacuuming in progress.... it will come eventually)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I'm vacuuming the house, cleaning the kitchen, and cooking all at the same time! What? How is that possible.... even for a talented multi tasker like me? That's right, I got a Roomba for Christmas!!! Yaaahhhh!!! My husband bought me a vacuum cleaner for Christmas! I know that's not usually a good thing but I am soooo stoked! I love this present and will treasure it every time I vacuum.... which will be every day! I have the best husband in the world!
(I can't find my computer memory stick or else you would see a picture of my vacuuming in progress.... it will come eventually)
(I can't find my computer memory stick or else you would see a picture of my vacuuming in progress.... it will come eventually)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Today is my day off and I wasted it! I can't believe how late I slept. And I even went to bed early the night before so there was no need for it. I haven't done a thing around the house and only went out because Chloe needed to go for a walk. What would I do without the dog? I did end up visiting at my book shop and getting some groceries but it is now 3:00!!! yikes!!! and I still haven't done a thing. I need to unpack groceries, find some way of making pork tenderloin with apple butter and sweet potatoes, and then hopefully clean the bathroom yet today.
I guess I'm just making up for my very productive day yesterday. I don't even have a book I can waste my time with. I think this is all because I'm just waiting around for this weekend.... it looks very fun and promising... I can't wait!
What a random post.
I guess I'm just making up for my very productive day yesterday. I don't even have a book I can waste my time with. I think this is all because I'm just waiting around for this weekend.... it looks very fun and promising... I can't wait!
What a random post.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh fun
Years ago, a roommate tried to get me Christmas decorating. I don't think I'm very artistic and can't make things look "perfect" like you would see in all those craft magazines, so generally, I don't try. This roommate, Sarah, wouldn't take that for an answer and just said that my creativity just had "character". I love that word now and laugh at all my lopsided creations while announcing that they are full of character. Well, today, I made quite the creation. I had a bunch of coniferous branches from the Christmas tree outing that I thought I might make into a wreath. I was putting it off for a few days but finally, this morning, thought I'd give it a try. I first did my research on "how to make a wreath" but quit shortly after since all the pictures were perfect and I didn't have any of the supplies I was told to have anyways. So, with bare hands, Opa W's cooking string that he gave me, and all those branches, I made a Christmas wreath. And what a wreath! I doubt it will stay in tact till Christmas but by the end I was laughing, and festive and so it was worth it. Ta DA!!

I decorated it with some leftover small ornaments.
Then I went inside and decorated the half wall by the stairs too. Oh, the decorating can go on and on. But at the same time, I'm thinking about how frustrating it is going to be trying to take off these tiny ornaments in January. They are going to get stuck in everything.
Speaking of these ornaments, I'm trying to remember where I got them. They are tiny little wooden figures of Christmas things. Some are toys, some are angels or a stable. Some are little Santas. I know I got some wooden ornaments at a tree farm a few years ago but I've got tons of these. Oma Z gave me some ornaments a few years ago so I'm wondering if these are part of them. If anyone knows, let me know. I want to be more careful with them if they have any meaning to them. On the other hand, if they are from the dollar store, I don't mind if I lose
a few in the middle of the tree. 

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
This summer, while drinking beers at a folk festival, I had a super interesting conversation with my brother-in-law, Peter, and a musician friend of his. It was sooo neat. Basically, I was told that some people experience things in the world through other senses. For example, a person can taste a word or see shapes to music. Weird? I thought so. But the conversation kept going on and had so many different imaginative scenarios. Since then I've thought about it a few times and wondered what it would be like.
Well, here I am, researching how to make dog biscuits and I heard on the radio about this condition. It has a name! I really had no idea about this. So neat!
Synesthesia (found on wikipedia)
Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia or color-graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored, while in ordinal linguistic personification, numbers, days of the week and months of the year evoke personalities. In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, and/or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" than 1990), or may have a (three-dimensional) view of a year as a map (clockwise or counterclockwise). Yet another recently identified type, visual motion → sound synesthesia, involves hearing sounds in response to visual motion and flicker. While cross-sensory metaphors (e.g., "loud shirt," "bitter wind" or "prickly laugh") are sometimes described as "synesthetic," true neurological synesthesia is involuntary. It is estimated that synesthesia could possibly be as prevalent as 1 in 23 persons across its range of variants. Synesthesia runs strongly in families, but the precise mode of inheritance has yet to be ascertained. Synesthesia is also sometimes reported by individuals under the influence of psychedelic drugs, after a stroke, during a temporal lobe epilepsy seizure, or as a consequence of blindness or deafness. Synesthesia that arises from such non-genetic events is referred to as "adventitious synesthesia" to distinguish it from the more common congenital forms of synesthesia. Adventitious synesthesia involving drugs or stroke (but not blindness or deafness) apparently only involves sensory linkings such as sound → vision or touch → hearing; there are few, if any, reported cases involving culture-based, learned sets such as graphemes, lexemes, days of the week, or months of the year.
Although synesthesia was the topic of intensive scientific investigation in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was largely abandoned by scientific research in the mid-20th century, and has only recently been rediscovered by modern researchers. Psychological research has demonstrated that synesthetic experiences can have measurable behavioral consequences, while functional neuroimaging studies have identified differences in patterns of brain activation (for recent reviews see). Many people with synesthesia use their experiences to aid in their creative process, and many non-synesthetes have attempted to create works of art that may capture what it is like to experience synesthesia. Psychologists and neuroscientists study synesthesia not only for its inherent interest, but also for the insights it may give into cognitive and perceptual processes that occur in synesthetes and non-synesthetes alike.
I blatently plagerized this from Wikipedia so if you want to look more of this up or quote it, don't start here.
Well, here I am, researching how to make dog biscuits and I heard on the radio about this condition. It has a name! I really had no idea about this. So neat!
Synesthesia (found on wikipedia)
Synesthesia is a neurologically based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia or color-graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored, while in ordinal linguistic personification, numbers, days of the week and months of the year evoke personalities. In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, and/or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" than 1990), or may have a (three-dimensional) view of a year as a map (clockwise or counterclockwise). Yet another recently identified type, visual motion → sound synesthesia, involves hearing sounds in response to visual motion and flicker. While cross-sensory metaphors (e.g., "loud shirt," "bitter wind" or "prickly laugh") are sometimes described as "synesthetic," true neurological synesthesia is involuntary. It is estimated that synesthesia could possibly be as prevalent as 1 in 23 persons across its range of variants. Synesthesia runs strongly in families, but the precise mode of inheritance has yet to be ascertained. Synesthesia is also sometimes reported by individuals under the influence of psychedelic drugs, after a stroke, during a temporal lobe epilepsy seizure, or as a consequence of blindness or deafness. Synesthesia that arises from such non-genetic events is referred to as "adventitious synesthesia" to distinguish it from the more common congenital forms of synesthesia. Adventitious synesthesia involving drugs or stroke (but not blindness or deafness) apparently only involves sensory linkings such as sound → vision or touch → hearing; there are few, if any, reported cases involving culture-based, learned sets such as graphemes, lexemes, days of the week, or months of the year.
Although synesthesia was the topic of intensive scientific investigation in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was largely abandoned by scientific research in the mid-20th century, and has only recently been rediscovered by modern researchers. Psychological research has demonstrated that synesthetic experiences can have measurable behavioral consequences, while functional neuroimaging studies have identified differences in patterns of brain activation (for recent reviews see). Many people with synesthesia use their experiences to aid in their creative process, and many non-synesthetes have attempted to create works of art that may capture what it is like to experience synesthesia. Psychologists and neuroscientists study synesthesia not only for its inherent interest, but also for the insights it may give into cognitive and perceptual processes that occur in synesthetes and non-synesthetes alike.
I blatently plagerized this from Wikipedia so if you want to look more of this up or quote it, don't start here.
Monday, December 08, 2008
News on the dogs...
Sunday morning, as Dan and I were leaving for church I waved at the neighbour who owns the black dog and asked if she could take care of the dog poop problem. I didn't hear what she said but at least I've asked her now. And later I was walking with Chloe who walked onto their lawn and peed right in front of them on their fresh snow... take that! 

Chloe is LOVING the snow. It's fun to watch her jumping through it and rolling all over. Cute. I've also notice that she is taking care of all the burrs that get caught on her. I'm super thankful because the research I've done on dog grooming says that it would cost about $70 to get her cleaned up. What's the point? She'll just get more in her later.

Sunday, December 07, 2008
We went to the second Sunday of Advent today. It was a really good service, especially because my mom and dad came and met us there. After church they came to see our new house. It was really nice to show it off and feel comfortable sitting around in our place. We ate cheese and almonds and sausage while drinking coffee and wine. We went through Sarah's wedding pictures and talked the whole time. For lunch, Dad had brought the leftovers of Sarah's Red Lentil Coconut Curry so we tried it with all sorts of different toppings (pears, sundried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes and tortillas) and rice. Eventually, probably too late, we left to go find a Christmas tree. Mom and probably should have left much earlier but this was the only time I could get it. They graciously drove all over creationg to find me a place that was open and sold them. We drove some neat roads and saw a deer watching us up close and finally ....ta da!!!

It was such a good day. Thank you soooooo much, mom and dad. I'm so happy you came!
Friday, December 05, 2008
For the last couple of weeks we've been noticing a lot of dog poop accumulating on our lawn and the one next to ours. Even though I've noticed that no one else in the neighbourhood walks their dog, Dan and I religiously do and so we KNOW it isn't Chloe's poop. I've talked to other neighbours and ensured them that it isn't our dogs poop. I've had my suspicions about a big black dog that lives a couple of doors down but didn't want to accuse anyone if it wasn't. Sure enough, last night I caught the dog pooping on our lawn. It is so gross. Really. There's about 20 spots on the lawn next to ours (it borders our driveway) and about 10 now on our lawn. Big black dog poop too so it's not such a small little pile. This dog is an old dog and doesn't move much (Chloe wagged her tail right in his face while she was in the middle of heat and he didn't do a thing).
So my question is, what do we do about it? There's no way I'm going to pick it up myself although I've been tempted to since there's one right where you would step getting out of the car. Dan, of course, wants to throw it on the guy's doorstep and yell at him. I just want to keep the peace. Besides, the people are kind of sketchy. I'm actually a bit afraid of them so I don't want to start a feud.
What would you do? I really don't want to just leave it.
If I don't get some good responses soon I'm going to post some pictures with this post. :)
So my question is, what do we do about it? There's no way I'm going to pick it up myself although I've been tempted to since there's one right where you would step getting out of the car. Dan, of course, wants to throw it on the guy's doorstep and yell at him. I just want to keep the peace. Besides, the people are kind of sketchy. I'm actually a bit afraid of them so I don't want to start a feud.
What would you do? I really don't want to just leave it.
If I don't get some good responses soon I'm going to post some pictures with this post. :)