Monday, March 20, 2006

I just finished reading some of my fav. blogs (Celena's Zoo, NinjaPoodle, and Random Ramblings) and so, even though I don't have much to say, I feel that I need to come here regularly to update on what I have been doing (thanks for the reminder, Celena).
All I can think of is my winter blues. I can't get out of it except by day dreaming about the summer, doing things I shouldn't be (like reading and writing blogs) and generally pretending I'm not where I am. I'm ignoring the fact that I have to finish this semester off yet and that even though it's only part-time I still have a shit-load of work to do yet. I keep staring at my tiny little flower bed behind my apartment and checking to see if the tiny tulip plants that have poked up have grown any more yet. The answer is no but I found a few other ones on the other side (I think they are earlier tulips). I constantly feel like I need to clean my apartment, which is true, but it doesn't have to be done so badly that I can't do anything else because I'm too caught up with the fact that i need to be cleaning!! The weather keeps tricking me. It looks so nice out, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and I've even seen a few robins, but everytime I go outside I still need to be wearing my hat and mitts and the radio says we get a high of ... 0 degrees today. I'm sleeping way more than I need to be (probably an attempt at hibernating), like 10+ hours a day. Maybe I should go tanning or something once a week just to get the light factor in my life and make my skin think that I'm happier. Besides, the itchiness has come back to my legs.
This weekend wasn't too exciting but I shoudn't complain about it. Without the blues thing going on it probably would have been super fun. Sat. I worked at 2:15 but when I came back from a walk with Chloe around 1:45 I found a message on the machine saying I was supposed to be in at 1:15. No problem though. Nobody minded. It was a good shift. I had fun. I worked with a girl that I hadn't seen in a while and earlier in the day I worked with Brad and Mark, my two fav. people to work with. (Although Mark goes a bit too fast in everything... he makes me hyperventilate, he is a genuinely nice man). At 9:30, when I got home, Cass called and asked if I wanted to go out with her and some friends (I think she sensed the blues thing). I did end up driving out to St. Catherines and then back again at around 1:00. I was pooped by the time I got home and think that I actually slept most of the way, even though I was driving at 130 km/h. yikes. I ended up staying up for a couple of hours yet because Dan was on aux. and didn't finish till 3:00 (it was the craziest night ever in Dunnville, was there a full moon?). Sunday we both slept for a lot of the day. We drove out to Dunnville in the evening to hang out with some friends but left relatively early. I can't wait to live close to friends. I mean most of my friends. I do have friends here but they are rarely available to do anything with. Right now most of our friends live quite far from us (on average an hour away).
It's 2:30 and I still need to get my day started so... here goes another try.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. I know what you mean about repressing where you really are and almost living like you've graduated already... Good luck this week. Hope to see you around!

5:44 p.m.  
Blogger Celena said...

I know what you mean, about the weather tricking you! But I think it's just nice here now, no tricking! I actually had to open my front door today to let the heat IN!! You should move to the west coast!

9:56 p.m.  
Blogger Nicole said...

Sarah, where are you? Maybe I just haven't been at the school in a while but I haven't seen you around in ages. Thanks.
Celena, I super duper want to consider that. I was thinking about that already a month ago but its too far away from family. I might be able to deal with that for a while but Dan is a homebody and if we ever have kids someday I want the free babysitting that is in-laws. :) Maybe I'll come visit someday instead.

7:14 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are always welcome to visit (provided I am there to house you). I have been around... saw you this morning, finally; sorry I didn't talk. Let me know if you want to get together and do something non-school-related.

2:55 p.m.  

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