Wednesday, March 22, 2006

yup, still procrastinating. What is it that makes us do this? I should be a farmer, they don't get a choice of whether they should get up and go now or not, do they.
At the Beer Store, once in a while, people will come in with bags and boxes of assorted, dirty and stinky beer bottles and cans that have obviously been picked up off the side of the road. Usually i'm a bit disgusted (remember, these get cleaned and reused!!!) but mostly I'm really impressed and thankful. These people (usually old men) go on long walks everyday and bend over and pick up these gross things (i'm not the only one that has to touch them). True, they do get money for them but its one less peice of junk littering the side of the road. Well, I've become one of them. I go for a walk with Chloe everyday and usually I'll see a bottle or can or two here and there but haven't ever felt like picking it up and carrying it home with me. I always wish I had a bag with me or something like that. There is way too much litter out there. Well, yesterday I just couldn't help it. There were six cans all in one area that were obviously just thrown there in the last day. I hadn't seen it the day before and they weren't yet filled with rain water and rotten leaves. I think I've started something because today I found three more and although they were filled with rain water and rotten leaves, I figured, I've already got 6, with these 3 that's almost $1. And I'm going to work today so why not. Well, walking back to my apartment i really feel like i'm breaking the rules carrying beer cans in one hand and a leash (with a dog attached) in the other.
The dog has been doing her job too:

Keeping my feet warm!!!


Blogger Celena said...

Yup, that's what yellow dogs are for!

6:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it Niocle, now is that the cheap dutch side of us or the stewardly side that pick up the can's (you alsomost have enough for a coffee - yes 1 free coffee)

9:28 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the summer when I worked for the City of Parksville, we collected like $500 in can and bottle money. However, in BC pop cans and juice boxes also get a deposit. Anyways, good for you! Think, you can buy a Tim Hortons coffee, and with roll up the rim, you might win BIG CASH and pay off your debts or something! :)

11:45 a.m.  
Blogger Nicole said...

OK OK fine!! i did it for the money!!

10:50 a.m.  

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