Sunday, May 27, 2007

Did someone ask for pictures?

I am sick of not posting pics. I love opening someone's post and seeing all those pics and I have so many things to take pictures of. I'm going to search around for the patch cord for my camera so that I can plug it in to any computer at anytime. Maybe then you'll get pictures more often. In the meantime I have taken my camera with me for the last couple of days planning posts to do with each picture I take. Since that would obviously be wayyyy too much to write/read I'll just post a few things after some pictures. Here we go:

Here's Mikey and Meggy! Mikey is by himself waiting for Meggy to come down. She's the one wih the darker head of the two girls. See the eggs though?! What's going on? One day three of the eggs had been rolled/pushed out of the nest and Friday I saw that they had kicked out 4 more! Does anyone know why? Is it because I've bugged them too much or is this natural selection?

Here is my most wonderful garden fence. I've thought of so many ideas for this fence already. I'm planning on planting nasturium for one side. I think that would look nice and, of course, is useful since people say you can eat the petals in salads. I want to plant the cukes all by the edge of the fence so that I can tie them up and then save space in the garden. Maybe for giggles I might try to train the vines to grow in the shape of a "D and N". Wouldn't that be cute. hee hee. Mom says good luck.

The fence looks so much better in person than this pic shows. And the soil!! Oh, it is so beautiful. I was rototilling the garden the other day and there is one section that I've done a few times already so it was sooo soft. Honestly, i think it's nicer walking on freshly tilled soil than beautiful beach sand. This pic shows the fence but also the soil. Look how deep the rototill went down.

Here's my first wide row. Mom and Dad lent me a book (I still have it) and this guy says to plant in wide rows and harvest it all season young or old. I can't wait. Actually, my spinach is read so I'll be eating that all week. At the end is the spinach and then is the lettuce. You can't really see the brocolli because most of it has been eaten down by rabbits and chickens but boy do those onions look good, eh? I found little stools (in the eisle on the right) in a garden shed at our place and they actually come in handy. They are great! Here's one last picture. My beautiful rototiller:


Blogger Larissa said...

The garden does look really good this year. You guys did a great job. I can't wait to try some good stuff from it at one of our Tuesday get-togethers. :)

7:09 a.m.  

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