Saturday, September 09, 2006

T University college and Seminary

Orientation Day. On Wednesday I had a $70 orientation all day course that I had to go to. I was kinda cynical about it since I didn't feel like I needed an orientation. I can figure it out on my own. But i also know that these things can be helpful for other reasons. According to Dan's luck, our car just happened to break down for the week too so the plan to drive up for the 8:30 start time was kaboshed. On Monday night Dad W. helped me look up the public transit and figure out how in the world I was going to get there. The schedule to get there at 8:30 included getting up at 4:30, almost missing a bus, walking for half an hour, transferring 3 times, getting a bit lost and finally arriving an hour late. It didn't matter though. I really did have fun with it though. I felt like I was an adventurer again. Who needs to travel to other continents? It made me excited to do this every week for my Thursday class. I talked with lots of other people that were commuting from much longer distances than I would be and got lots of advice on which transit systems would be faster. One of my favorite pros of the day was the encouragement that I got from other people. When I think of the logistics of where Dan and I live, how hard it will be to get to school, and the amount of time that it would take to get my degree (3-6 years) I wonder if I really should go there. Is it a waste my time? Is this really what I should be doing? But then, when I read about the program and look at the courses that I will be taking I get really excited about it. It is really the direction that I want to be going in. And the people that I met there all had the same types of experiences. I find a lot of people think I'm crazy for going to a school that far away and then I start to question myself and feel silly but the people there all confirmed the importance of this.
The amount of time before I graduate and then even get registered makes me impatient a bit but I had a little brain wave last night when I was discussing it with Mom and Sarah. I think I'm done waiting. When I think about my life, I've always thought that I'll start it when school is over. For now I'm in limbo. I'm working at a part-time temporary job and waiting for school to be finished before I find something I love. I'm waiting for school to be finished before I start my family. I'm waiting for school to finish before I settle in to my life. I don't think I should anymore though. Even if I was going to school full time I wouldn't be done for another 3 years and I don't think that I will be doing that. My job is good for now and where we are living is good but I think I should start approaching my life differently. I should be living a fulfilling now which will include going to school. Sure, I've got plans but I'm not going to live waiting for that time. I think that means some active job searching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole i love reading your bloggs because i find them soo full of in sight any ways i do agree with you, this is what your ment to do and i am glad that this class encourged you!!

1:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just checked back on your blog after all this time and am happy to hear about how you are doing. Yes... live in the moment... you'll never be in an era of life quite like this one, so soak it up! That sounds cheesy (omg, now I'm craving cheese SO bad) - but it's true. Best of luck and I hope you keep updating.

10:57 p.m.  

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