Thursday, January 18, 2007

If you haven't read the comments for the last post, you should. Mom wrote a recipe for the tzatziki that she made. I'm definately up for posting the falafel recipe too. I even think that Dan would like them if he didn't know that they were made with chickpeas. A good experiment. If I get the recipe before tomorrow night maybe I'll try it then. We have a party to go to on Sat. night so to save our "close talking" breath we should eat something harmless that day.
In class last night Brenda started with some silence. She said that she had a crazy day and just needed some silence for a minute or two. I'm not good at being silent or letting my mind be silent (I think I'm a bit A.D.D.) but I went along with it. Later in the class she was talking about how our lives are so busy that we don't have those quiet moments. As an example she asked if anyone had been outside that day around 4:00 and saw how beautiful all the ice covered trees looked in the sun. I thought, yup, I saw all that because I was outside chipping the ice out of the animal's water buckets and refreshing their water. I walked around the property with the dog and took pictures. My life out in our backwoods area makes me stop and be silent and I forget how lucky I am to live this way and that I have this opportunity right now. Or maybe, I just need this kind of thing and have drawn myself to it. I'm sure that one day I will look back on this time of my life and realize how precious it was.
I had a good time at Hannelle and Jon's again last night. It's good to get together with her every week. We decided to go out for breakfast again this week but this time we took Jon too. After dropping Hannelle off at school for 9:00 Jon and I went to check out the secondhand book store again. He's a sucker for books of all kinds and hadn't been to this place that Hannelle and I have raved about. In his excitement about getting a whole bunch of books I got drawn in and ended up getting some books too. Two of them were for the class and the third book was a novel. If you haven't read Mark Haddon's "The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime" you are missing out. (Check out this link, it's an intro/reading of the book!) It is such a great book. I love the way the author was able to take on the voice of the first person narrator. (first person, right?) The main character is an autistic kid. I didn't really know much about autism but this book sure taught me a lot. Really interesting. Try it. Anyways, I bought this book too, even though I've read it already.
So I've spent the morning shopping again. (Oh, and I got an ice scraper since Dan stole the one from my car and I didn't find out till I really needed it - late after work with my car covered in ice.) I work from 2-9 which means I'll be home late tonight but that's okay because I'm home in the evening for Friday and Saturday.
So that's all that's new for now. Here's a question to end things: Do you buy new novels that you haven't read before hoping that you'll love it and be glad that you bought it or do you buy novels that you have read before and know that you love but won't be reading anything new? I struggle with that. I bought 3 new novels in the past week. One is the "curious incidend" book that I just talked about. The other two books are "A spot of bother" also by Mark Haddon (I figured I like that book so much that I might like this one too) and "Lullabies for little criminals" by Heather O'Neill. The second book is a book off of the CanadaReads list. They talked about it on the CBC and I want to be in on the discussion. I've bought books before that were acclaimed so I thought I would like it but I didn't. ("The Polished Hoe". Am I crazy? Is this a really good book that I'm just missing out on?) What do you guys do? And does anyone want that copy?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the books A Spot of Bother and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Mark Haddon is my new favorite author. The Kite Runner is another amazing book.

6:10 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole. I can`t properly respond to your question: I rarely read novels. I can`t seem to get as much out of them as more direct information (books on apologetics, psychology, philosophy, theology, whatever). I`ll keep your recommendations in mind though. I need to balance out my life.

6:49 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so here's the Felafel recipe, but you have to have a food proccessor and a wok.
1 can of chickpeas
1 onion
2 (normal) cloves of chopped garlic
3 tbsp. fresh chopped parsley
2 tbsp. fresh chopped cilantro
(I think you can substitute 1 tsp. cumin and 1 tsp. coriander for the cilantro)
Process in a food proccesser until smooth.
Combine with:
1 tsp. flour
4-6 tbsp. flour (more or less)
(The recipe says: Mix until the dough forms a small ball and no longer sticks to your hands. But you can add more flour later.)
Turn into a bowl and refrigerate, covered for several hours.
Form the mixture into walnut size balls. Heat oil in a wok an fry about 6 balls at once for a few minutes on each side until golden brown.
They taste best after they're fried but still taste good cold or micro-waved too.
It's really not too difficult.
I'd rather read one of your novels though.

9:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have bought too many new books and have not liked them so I tend to buy books that I have read and know I'll enjoy again. Around here, books tend to get passed around a lot too. As for Canada reads...I love listening to CBC but I have not enjoyed the books they recommended the last 2 years. I too loved the Kite Runner. That's worth purchasing.

6:13 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bought 'The Polished Hoe'????? What were you doing the last time we went camping near you. Remember i was reading that book. We went to a garage sale and I bought a perfectly good hoe for 2 bucks and sat and polished it while reading the book. We talked about all the things you could do with a hoe. Hmmmm maybe we didn't talk too much about the book. I hear the book is being made into a play, if that helps.
I usually get good books from the library then buy the ones I really like from used book stores. Sometimes I really go out on a limb and buy something that looks interesting by an author i have enjoyed.
ps. I think you ended up with the hoe. Keep it polished- you never know.

8:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love being married to Grace!!! She has been an inspiration to me all my life! My Heroe. Polishing her "Hoe" while reading. She is a real delight to take on vacation. Just give her a hoe and a book! Nicole, I think you are not far behind! I can see why you make your man proud. ( Secretly I love used book stores )There's something about thunmbing through all those pages where others have been before. and besides the books are cheap. Buy used, buy three, Love Dad

9:09 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i usually ending up buying books that i've already read and loved for the sole purpose of lending them out to other people. that way i can recommend the book to someone (umm.. you!) and then i have it handy for you to read. i'd love to read some of your new ones... the names sound interesting.

1:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Nicky i am with Hannelle on borrowing your books they sound intresting and enlighting!! I borrow all my books off of cathy who has alot of the books i read, plus she read 2 book to every 1 book i read so, there is a never ending supply of them, or i borrow them off of friends. If i buy them i normally buy them from the book depoet (all new books at used prices - a great big wear house of books - we will have to go some time) or i buy them at value village caue mike likes to shop there and i get bored so look through the book department. As to what books one from author i know i like, some if they sound good and other recomend them ( but i never normally get around to reading them so i don't know why i keep buy them i guess i am always hopeing i will and expand my horizons) any loved reading alll your comment it was neat to see how everyone else did it! lots of love!!

10:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i made falafels yesterday. oh my they were good. my recipe is a little different and it has a lot of turmeric in it as well. and i'm off of wheat so I used ground up oats and that worked great.

10:45 a.m.  

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