Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hey all. For my class tonight I am doing my presentation on the body and spirituality. I really like that topic and. I'm surprised by how much I've looked into this in the past. As I was brainstorming for ideas, past research for other papers kept popping up in my mind that I had used for past papers. Isn't that neat how we are drawn to things over and over? Unfortunately, the procrastination in me has taken over and although I love the topic, I haven't done near enough research. I've really blown it this time. I don't even have an outline for what I'm going to present tonight. And it's just me for 75 min! Yikes. Good thing I also know how to talk.
Before I get to doing some essential reading for tonight, I thought I would just share with you a bit and get some advice.
I have a bit of a lead on a summer job (don't worry, I will keep the part time job that I'm at). Remember Sheilah from a few posts back? Well, She runs this camp (how, I don't know) for kids in crisis. This woman has such huge and (to me) unrealistic dreams and hopes. I sometimes wonder if we live in the same world since a lot her projects seem impossible to me but the woman has faith... and really good skills at getting public money. She is a psychotherapist and got her masters at the same school I did. We've been talking and we have decided to do a trade. I need experience, she needs help. In the summer she can get a grant to pay me for being an assistant manager of the camp. Up until then, we will swap hour for hour of volunteer work to mentoring. She is going to help me put together a proposal to make this camp thing a hands on thesis (so that I can get my honours degree) while I help her out with the farm. The camp is a very holistic camp that tries to give kids a place where they feel like they belong. Animals don't judge kids. They give kids confidence and adventure. The thing is, someone needs to shovel the animals' shit. That's where I fit in. This week I spent 2 hours cleaning out horse stalls and I will probably continue to do this every week. For March break we will have camp for a small number of kids (5-10) and I will use that week to see if this is something I can do for the summer. I don't know exactly what a whole day at camp looks like but I know they have a part of the day called sharing circle where they open up more and this is the time that I will get more of the experience that I need. Something that I will be taking on is two classes that I was hoping I could get all of your suggestions on. We want to teach kids healthly living and lifestyles so I will be putting together a type of cooking class (simplified but the basics) and a gardening thing. We've got lots of horse manure and compost. I love gardening and so this summer Sheila and I want to start a garden. What are some really good plants for kids to grow. We need things that are fun, pretty easy and hopefully edible. (I can't wait to have kids that will weed gardens for me!!) I would love to be able to use the food that we grow in the lunches that we have to provide. And what are some kitchen things to do with kids. I don't know how extensive the kitchen is or what kind of supplies we will have but I want to help the kids learn about healthy food. I might be in way over my head. Kids hate eating healthy, don't they? How do I involve kids in learning what they are eatinig and enjoying it. Most of these kids are going to come from poorer backgrounds with troubled parents. I don't really know the first thing about kids so if anyone has any suggestions, websites, cautions etc. please please send them over. by the way... I'm kind of getting excited about this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you doing writing in your blog when you have a presentation tonight!!?? Girl, you are still the QUEEN of procrastination!

That camps sounds ideal! I think you would really be in your element in a place like that!
As for plants - what about sunflowers? They are fun and semi-edible! Other than that, i got nothin. :)

Sounds like a fascinating class! I miss Stephenson! :(
Love Coryn

7:13 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-men Coryn.
I've got a few books for you the next time you are home. Don't idealize the 'kids working in the garden' too much. It didn't work for me the way that I thought.
Cucumbers for sure, most kids like them.
I'll keep thinking.

7:21 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow nicole, i am inpired by you!! I have to much to say and so little time but i will call you
With love Cass

10:49 a.m.  
Blogger Linda said...

This camp sounds great!

Tomatoes are easy to grow and tasty. How about carrots, beans and peas? They taste great right out of the garden. It might be cool to grow purple beans. They are a dark shade of purple on the plant but turn green when they're cooked. Kids will get a real kick out of them. Yvonne grew them last year and they are easy to grow and taste just like green beans. There are also coloured potatoes that would be fun to grow too. And don't forget flowers.

5:20 p.m.  
Blogger mmichele said...

as i said,
better than the beer store.

10:26 a.m.  
Blogger mmichele said...

hey! can you send me some of your body spirit stuff? even just your reading list? i've been really interested in this late.

3:36 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The camp sounds very interesting. Kids and animals are cool at least for most kids anyway. Like you say animals don't judge. Kids and gardens are not so cool, although sometimes the odd one those get into it. But don't let that deter you. I think gardening is a passion that's sown into when you are young, and probably grows into you as you grow older. So plant some "seeds" for sure.Lettuce and broccali and beans for summer time harvest i would think. Beans are fun to pick and good for kids to eat.

11:34 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to reblog, my friend! i haven't talked to you in oh-so-long... whats on going on in your world?

10:58 p.m.  

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