Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A new post

It's been so long! I really haven't been on the internet (except 10 min.) since I've last posted. Isn't that awful? How does one live without it? And it really doesn't get easier with time. So here are a few rambling thoughts that have/are running through my head:
-I remember when we were kids, my sisters and I played a joke on one of my dad's employees. I'm sure he had it coming. We put a freshly cut chicken head (my mom's doing) on the visor of his work truck knowing that on his ride home he would be facing the sun and therfore pulling the visor down. I don't actually remember the exact details but I still remember the electrifying fear as he slowly pulled out of the driveway. I don't really remember what happened after that because I quickly ran to my bedroom and hid under the bed. I don't know what he did in return either.
-I am really pining for the summer. I keep remember the summer as being a beautiful rich glorious time of the year. To make myself feel better I try to convince myself that I'm probably over doing it and that the summers really aren't all that great. The only problem is that I was just looking through my pictures of this past summer and, oh my, they really do look as good as I'm imagining.
-One bad thing about the warmer weather is that all the poop in the chicken coop will thaw and stink. Who cares... it's good manure.
-I finished my two books that I got for Christmas. The one by Mark Haddon (A Spot of Bother) was a good one again. I didn't enjoy it as much as his first book but he is so good at bringing his readers into the world of his characters. The second book was sooooo satisfying to read. I'm not one for a terribly sad book. I'd rather not be depressed when I'm finished but this one was such a good heart wrencher. It's called Lullabies for little Criminals. It is one of the Canada Reads picks. Oh, I really loved it and can't wait to lend it to someone so that we can talk about it. Listening to the Canada Reads debates this week hasn't really been that great for me so far this week.
-Work has been shitty.
-All I want to do this summer is immerse myself into the garden (or possible gardens?), the animals and the beach. Do you think it will happen? Here's a question: Can we (anyone) afford to be so liesure if it is something that makes us so alive? Or is it more that we can't afford not to be this liesure? I hate that question because I agree with both. I think we can't afford to not live life in a full way but at the same time.... we literally can't afford ($$) to live liesurly. And I don't want to live in the middle either.
-I haven't been to my night class in two weeks. One week was a snow day and the next was reading week. I miss it but haven't done any reading or preparing.
-At work yesterday, I had to unload a truck. The driver was new at the job and didn't know how to use the machines that well so while I was unloading it he was making small talk with me. I think he was a new immigrant from Europe somewhere. His broken English sounded like it had a Russian accent (or something similar). When he found out that I had finished school and was hoping to go to school again he started saying something. At first I didn't really understand him but it sounded like he was trying to translate a proverb from his language: "In life you have friend and you have enemy. And you only have one real friend. That is book. Friends come and they go but you always have book. That is your only real friend." So how do you like that?!
-Here's my list of plants to go in the veggie garden so far:
beans (pole and bush)
cucumbers (some for pickles too)
tall asters
Maybe: cantaloupe, pumpkins, squash
I can't remember if I'm missing anything. I'm trying to graph out my garden.
-The next book I'm going to read (suggestion of Sarah): The Glass Castle

That's it for now. Thanks for reading!!


Blogger mmichele said...

calendula is amazing and edible and grows like crazy and looks pretty...

1:02 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the chicken head: the guy could have caused a car accident, you geeks! :P

I totally relate to this pining for summer...

1:38 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am with you on the incredible desire for summer. Yet we need to live in the present and enjoy where we are even if at times we don't. At the same time i'm excited to wear short shorts, little tank tops and soak up the sun. I'm excited for the smell of fresh cut grass, the texture of sunflower leaves, the taste of sun kissed tomatoes, the crunch of beans from the garden and the glorious feeling of napping in the hamick in the orchard. Oh and don't forget the cold lemonade!

1:28 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can so identify with you guys. It used to be that I too would sketch out my garden layout two or three times and read my Stokes and Harrowsmith magazines just to try to get a bit of that summer feel in me. I think that in part is why Mom and I start our seedlings under lights when it's still winter just to pretend that it's spring already. Now that I'm older some of those feelings have become deadoned a little bit. I no longer feel those passions as much anymore. don't know why for sure. Probably cause they get killed off along the way by the pressure of as Nicole puts it " not being able to afford " the liesure time it takes. It sort of gets beaten out of you. Oh! but we did have some lazy days at the beach in those years didn't we? Do it now folks, while everything is still fresh and exciting and new. Read Ecclesiastes 12 sometime. After that I don't think we can afford not to. :)

4:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we have four seasons. How we long for spring but by the time we've raked the yard before the grass grows I realize how out of shape and unambitious I really am. In August after battling a summer of drought and weeds I promise myself never to have such a big garden again. And I'm so thankful for the dead of winter to hibernate in front of the woodstove. The books go a long way. The novels, magazines and gardening books.
Good thoughts everyone.
ps. Paul doesn't remember the chicken head. That WAS a stupid thing to do.

7:41 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smiling,in joy of remininsing and hear all my family coming through in their comments! Remebering the chicken. It was tied there so it would dangle in front of his face on the 401. Yes and the electrifing fear of him finding out before he hit the 401. I can't belevie he dosn't remember it! I get so caught up in nicole excitment and i too want to start my garden and find a beach to read! With Sarah i feel as though i am there feeling the sun on my face, the texture of the sunflower and tasteing the cool lemonde. With dad it is remembering those lazy days on the beach! Only mom would atempt to break that bubble and remind us that it isn't all fun and games! Ah i love my family and miss them! lovin you all lots Cass

10:19 a.m.  

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